Final HTML/CSS Project, Due: Fri., 6/5

TASK: Create a "dashboard" website of all the HTML/CSS projects you have made this year. Allows a user to click links and see your different projects.


You must answer the following questions

I learned...

A challenge I overcame was...

I am proud because...

Software Engineering is useful because...

Feel free to delete these instructions once you understand them!!

Want to see a sample completed project? Click Me!

Joskeity Cruceta

Things I learned throughout the year in software


I learned to make websites and style them as I like. For example: I was able to put a background color that I like choose a font of my liking. I learned to use a website called Bootstrap to make cards and to add links into a website.

A challenge I overcame was giving up when I didn't know what to do and when something didn't want to work, I just stopped doing the work. I asked for help most of the time and used W3schools for help.

I'm proud because some projects I thought I didn't know what to do, I did with help and it wasn't as hard I thought it was I just was overthinking. I am proud of the Top Five Project because I was able to use the cards in ways I didn't know I can do. This included being able to put a link.

Software Engineering is useful because we interact with things that were built using software engineering. For example: Google, shopping online, school work, etc...

Here are some projects that I have done

In this project, Animals in Clothing, I had to make the same website that Ms. Shuman made and make my own using all the elements and pictures that she used.

Click me

In this project we learned to style a webpage however we want using bold letters or background color and fonts.

click me

In this project we interviewed friends family or anyone and we learned to make div's and style the website the way we wanted.

click me

In this project we had to use our partner profile project and style however we wanted using images this time

click me

In this project we were explaining how we dothings now that we are remote learning.

click me

In this project we had to choose a topic that we can teach someone how to do something i choose to teach someone how to braid.

click me

In this project we had to create a website to house the podcast i made and explain what steps we took to make the podcast happen and for Ms.shuman to be able to here the podcast but i haven't done yet.